Insurance / Workers Comp Programs

One of the many membership benefits that the ATPA provides to its members is the ability to participate in an Insurance Safety Group Dividend Program underwritten by BITCO Insurance Companies. This program affords ATPA members the ability to obtain comprehensive property and casualty coverages at very competitive rates, as well as the opportunity to have a portion of their insurance premiums returned to them in the form of a premium dividend

While dividends cannot be guaranteed and are impacted by the collective losses of all group participants, as well as the approval of BITCOs Board of Directors, this program has returned dividends totaling $4,082,401 since the start of the program in 2007. Most recently a dividend total of 13.1% was paid to the ATPA participating members for the 2017 calendar year

These types of outstanding results are the product of the combined safety efforts of ATPAs participating members and are greatly appreciated

Thanks to all of our participating members, and if you are not already taking advantage of this great membership benefit, we encourage you to give us a call today to request additional information


Note: Lines of coverage include Workers Comp; General Liability; Auto; Umbrella; Property; Equipment and Boding. Special Coverages include Accidental Overcut of Timber and Logging/Lumbering Fire & Vehicle Damage.