
The ArkPro Logger training program combines the best from existing model programs and curriculum around the country with features unique to Arkansas and Arkansas’ logging and forest resources management industry. As a result, this comprehensive program delivers ongoing quality training throughout Arkansas and adjacent states, and continues to be well received by sponsors, participants and the general public.

Download our Revised Strategic Plan for the Ark Pro Logger Training Program, adopted October 26, 2015 in revised format HERE: Arkansas Logger Training & Education Program, Revised & Approved,October 26, 2015

Qualified Logging Professionals (Foremen, Crew Chiefs, Forestry Technicians take Modules 1, 3 and 4) as well as six hours of Logger Continuing Education (LCE) credits annually. Crew members are required to complete Modules (1) and (3) described below and are encouraged to attend continuing education workshops for ongoing professional development.

The updated strategic plan for the Ark Pro Logger program (March 2016), detailing each of the four core modules, including goals, learning objectives, evaluation procedures, facilities and reporting, can be downloaded, Arkansas Logger Training & Education Program, Revised & Approved,October 26, 2015

Core Training Modules

Arkansas’ professional logger training program covers four essential modules including:

Module (1) Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety (6 Hours)

This workshop is designed for logging contractors and their employees. It emphasizes OSHA regulations and safety as well as other industry standards including chainsaw operational safety and personnel protective equipment (PPE). A loss prevention safety manual and an “OSHA Basics Overview, Inspection and Recording” notebook are left with participants at the conclusion of this workshop.

Module (2) Business Management for Logging Contractors (6 Hours)

This workshop provides instruction from experts in business management and financial planning. It is aimed at contractors, their spouses and/or business managers. Topics address all current issues that face small businesses such as small business operations, tax issues and record keeping, CPA sessions on record keeping (IRS), state regulations including wages and Fair Labor Standards, insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, investment opportunities, retirement planning and business succession. Participants are also introduced to the ATPA Insurance Program in partnership with Bituminous Insurance Companies (see Insurance Programs under About ATPA tab on this website for more information).

Module (3) Successful Timber Harvesting – Best Management Practices (BMPs) (4 Hours)

This workshop includes both classroom instruction and field demonstration and is aimed at logging contractors and their employees. Topics are presented by Discussion Leaders (DLs), including an overview of the Clean Water Act and other applicable laws, harvesting BMPs, Streamside Management Zones (SMZs), road and deck layout considerations, landowner objectives and public relations.

Module (4) Environmental Considerations for Sustainable Forest Management ( 4 Hours)

This workshop is required of contractors for ArkPro Logger completion, but appeals to all timber harvesting and forestry professionals. Topics are presented by trained ArkPro DLs, including an overview of conservation policies, procedures and major topics of interest, including reforestation, invasive and/or exotic plants and animals, forest resource conservation, aesthetics, and special sites.


NOTE: Qualified Logging Professionals (Foremen, Crew Chiefs, Forestry Technicians take Modules 1, 3 and 4). 


Complementary Training

First Aid/CPR. First Aid/CPR and Medical Record-Keeping, which is not a formal component of the four-module training program, has been a vital training session. This particular session is coordinated in conjunction with the state Department of Labor.

Ark Pro Logger has also offered special training such as Logger Rescue,  intensive training in the areas of in-woods safety, emergency response, and proactive planning strategies to minimize in-woods accidents and emergencies, and other relevant modules critical to timber harvesting and sustainability.

Continuing Education Requirement

In order to remain ArkPro certified, ArkPro contractors are required to take an additional six hours of continuing education (CE) credits annually. This requirement may be met by attending industry sponsored meetings and events including those offered through the Arkansas Timber Producers Association, the Arkansas Forestry Association, the Society of American Foresters, accredited colleges and universities and other activities that meet the approval of the Arkansas Logger Training & Education Council. ArkPro participants should email Director of Logger Training George Lease of the Arkansas Timber Producers Association to pre-approve an activity for CE credit if it has not already been approved. Or do so by calling the toll-free training hotline at [1-888-403-2232].