ONLINE Training Module for 2024+
We are proud to announce we have added a new online training module to our Ark Pro Logger training offerings, providing training participants with a convenient and engaging way to complete core and continuing education training for 2023 and into 2024.
This new video was produced for loggers with input by loggers to ensure the content is relevant to what timber harvesters are experiencing on the job and at the site.
This new training offers credits for Timber Harvesting & Transportation Safety (TH&TS) as well as checks the box for Logger Continuing Education (LCE) for participants who have met their core module training requirements.
As was the case during COVID, our new online/video-based training module requires paid registration, and each fee is per device. That means an individual pays $25.00 plus processing fee to participate, OR a company can register several employees to watch the video together on one device for one $25.00 plus processing fee.
Information and online registration and processing is available via Eventbrite through this LINK
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email, or cell, below.
Thank you for your continued support of our training initiative and to the Arkansas Timber Producers Association (ATPA).
Arnold Hameister, Director of Logger Education
Arkansas Timber Producers Association
2311 Biscayne Drive
501-224-0016 – office | 501-764-2958 – cell | [email protected]
Award-Winning Training and National Model
The ArkPro Logger Training and Education program was established in 1995 in support of the American Forest & Paper Association’s (AFPA) Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Today the program continues as a formal outreach effort of the national Sustainable Forestry Board’s SFI Certification program and serves as a model statewide professional development and conservation training effort for timber harvesters and others involved in forest resources management. The mission of the Ark Pro Logger program is:
“To provide ongoing development and implementation of a training and education program for Arkansas loggers, procurement foresters, land management foresters and others who deal with loggers and logging contractors, designed to provide instruction that will assist in achieving sustainable forestry and stewardship practices.”
Administered by the Arkansas Timber Producers Association (ATPA), ArkPro Logger training has reached more contractors, crew members, landowners and forestry professionals than any other training programs of its kind. The program has been well received by participants and has been honored by the national Forest Resources Association as one of best professional logger training programs in the nation, earning a second place recognition FRA National Outstanding Logger Training Award in 1996, a first-place FRA K.S. Rolston Memorial Award in 1998 and a second place K.S. Rolston Memorial recognition again in 2000.
To learn more about the details of the program, visit our About Training page on this site, or download the most recent Ark Pro Logger Strategic Plan (October 26, 2015), which includes module descriptions, learning objectives, and detailed information about evaluation and assessment, as well as ongoing reporting, DOWNLOAD HERE: Arkansas Logger Training & Education Program, Revised & Approved,October 26, 2015.
Adirondack Timber Company
American Stave Co., LLC
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Bavarian Timber 2015, LLC
Campbell Global
Canfor Southern Pine
Clearwater Paper
Drax Biomass
Erie Timber
Evergreen Timberlands, LLC
FIA Timber Growth Master, LLC
Georgia Pacific
Green Bay Packaging
Growth & Value Arkansas, LLC
Highland Pellets
Huber Engineered Woods
International Paper
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc.
Magnolia Pulpwood Company
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc.
New Growth, LLC
Oak Mountain Timberlands, LLC
Potlatch Deltic
Ray White Lumber Company
Rayoneer Operating Company
Rickland Timberlands, LLC
Rogers Lumber Company
Sampension American Timberland
Shades Mountain Timberlands, LLC
Tall Corn Forestry
Tamarack Timberlands, LLC
Texarkana Timber
The Molpus Woodlands
Tri-W Logging
Twin Rivers Pine Bluff, LLC
West Fraser Wood Products, Inc.